Have a read of the Frequently Asked Questions below. If you can't see what you are looking for please send us an email at YouthJobsStrategy@jobstasmania.tas.gov.au and we will get back to you with an answer.

Young people are telling us they want access to consistent, quality careers advice and pathway planning, work experience, and better visibility of employment programs.

The Youth Jobs Strategy will propose changes to deliver improved youth engagement in employment, further education and training by creating a smooth, supported and connected transition from school, and by ensuring there is ‘no wrong door’ for a young person in Tasmania to find the help and support they need to get into work.

The Strategy will aim to leverage and build on existing services that are working well, encourage collaboration and referrals, and most importantly place young people at the centre by providing the opportunity and mechanisms for them to engage and participate in the design and ongoing implementation of the Strategy’s recommendations.

The Strategy will examine ways to improve integration and coordination of services and supports to provide young people with a system that is connected and seamless, with multiple access points and pathways to fit individual experience and need.

The Youth Jobs Strategy is a collaboration between the Department of State Growth (Jobs Tasmanian) and the Department for Education, Children and Young People.

We are working with the Youth Network of Tasmania on the development of a youth-friendly version and creative submission process for the Discussion Paper to ensure young people across the state have the opportunity to express their views and engage with the Strategy’s development.

A dedicated Youth Panel has also been convened to inform the planning and delivery of youth participation and engagement activities and mechanisms, to identify strategies to engage young people and address barriers to participation, and to serve as an ongoing touchpoint to seek relevant feedback at short notice.

No – you can respond to any or all questions that you would like to provide feedback on.

Yes – we welcome any feedback you have including on issues not raised in the Discussion Paper. We also invite you to share any experiences, observations or suggestions you feel would help us better understand the barriers young people are facing and how we can support their pathway to work, further education or training.

Other than indicated below, formal submissions will be treated as public information and will be published on the consultation website at youthjobsstrategy.tas.gov.au once consideration of all submissions has concluded.

Your name (or the name of the organisation) will be published unless you request otherwise.

In the absence of a clear indication that a submission is intended to be treated as confidential (or parts of the submission), the Department will treat the submission as public.

If you would like your submission treated as confidential, whether in whole or in part, please indicate this in writing alongside your submission clearly identifying the parts of your submission you want to remain confidential and the reasons why. In this case, your submission will not be published to the extent of that request.

Feedback submitted directly via this consultation website (using the text boxes) will be considered as part of the consultation process but will not be published. If you would like your feedback published, we encourage you to email your submission in Word or PDF format to YouthJobsStrategy@jobstasmania.tas.gov.au.

The intention is to finalise the Strategy in the first half of 2024.

The Discussion Paper provides more information about the context for the Strategy, the Government’s proposed approach, and the key themes and issues that have emerged through recent consultation activities.

To find out more about the Strategy, you can also contact the project team by emailing YouthJobsStrategy@jobstasmania.tas.gov.au.