We want your help to identify new locations for pedestrian and cyclist safety crossings in Margate and Snug.

The Tasmanian Government has funded an options assessment and development of designs for new crossings, which will make these sections of the Channel Highway safer for pedestrians and cyclists, while improving the flow of traffic in the towns.

Community Consultation

The designs for new crossings will be informed by community consultation. The feedback received during the consultation will:

  • Inform the choice of potential crossing sites
  • Help shape the concept designs
  • Minimise the impact of any changes to parking and access to local properties or businesses.

You may be aware that Kingborough Council also has a separate project to develop a master plan for the Margate Town Centre, and they have been consulting on that project. If you have made a submission to their project, that information will be shared with us to help identify safe pedestrian and cyclist crossings. You do not need to give the same feedback twice.

Please use the map below to provide your feedback.