
The Department of State Growth is currently undertaking a statewide industrial land study to better understand demand and supply for industrial land across Tasmania.

Ensuring there is a sufficient supply of industrial zoned land across the State is key to ensuring businesses can operate in locations that minimise or remove conflict with adjacent land uses, and that businesses have choice in the context of their overall supply chain (for example, to locate near a key market, supplier or export port).

As part of the study, Regionally Significant Industrial Precincts (RSIP) have been identified across each of Tasmania’s three regions. RSIP represent areas of major industrial activity and agglomeration. In Glenorchy, two RSIPs have been identified at Derwent Park and Prince of Wales Bay.

We are seeking feedback from businesses located in these precincts to help guide future decision making on industrial land and uses. This includes operational trends and challenges, opportunities for businesses to grow and evolve, and the general advantages of being located in Glenorchy.

As an industrial business located in the precinct, we are seeking your participation in a short online survey.

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You can view our full privacy policy below.